Meet the team

Fr. Andrew Appiah

Fr. Robert Wiggs

Director of Music
-Currently vacant

Dawn Mundy
Profile summaries:
Fr. Andrew was ordained in 2019 and, following his training for the priesthood at Ridley hall, Cambridge, he enjoyed a thrilling curacy at Holy Trinity Barkingside during the latter part of which he was Curate-in-Charge for the whole parish. Prior to ordination, he enjoyed a career in Computing and he holds a Masters degree in Information Security and Computer Forensics.
Fr. Andrew is passionate about Justice and practical theology especially the sacramental life which clearly states that each of us, is deeply loved and cherished by God and are called to be a holy, life-giving gift to all people, our neighbours and friends, particularly reaching out to those on the fringes of society, drawing then into the fellowship and tender care of our God. His favourite line is a pithy adage from the second-century theologian St. Irenaeus that “the glory of God is the human being fully alive”.
In his spare time, he enjoys playing squash, badminton and more recently drone racing. He is married to his soul mate Dr. Anita and live with their three children; Fr. Andrew’s two older daughters live in Rickmansworth.
In 2023 he was licensed as Priest in Charge of the parishes of Maldon, St. Mary with Mundon, Christchurch, Latchingdon and St. Barnabas, Mayland (collectively known as the Blackwater Shore benefice).
Address: 13 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, CM2 0JN Email:
Telephone: 01245 359138 Mobile: 07724057719
Fr Robert studied Classics at Pembroke College, Cambridge, and theology at the Queen’s College, Birmingham. Having taught in Cambridgeshire and been a volunteer worker in the Corrymeela Community of Reconciliation in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, he then served in parishes in Stratford, East Ham and Grays. He has variously trained in Ignatian Spirituality, taught theological anthropology at St Mellitus College, been the Bishop of Chelmsford’s Adviser for Refugees and been a part time chaplain at Bulwood Hall Prison.
He loves working at St Mary’s, far away from the gaze of bishops and archdeacons. He has a special interest in working on the frontier between orthodox theology, Catholic and Evangelical, and ordinary modern culture including the various worlds of unbelief and uncertainty. He is deeply grateful for many encounters with conversation partners under 30, including the generation of his grandchildren (roughly 0-9)
– Please do get in touch if you would like to be our next DoM
Address: 11 Queen Street, Maldon, CM9 5DP Email:
Telephone: 01621 854065
I moved with my husband to Maldon from Grays in 2007 after retiring from the position of Special Needs Coordinator of a mainstream secondary school in Grays. My responsibilities covered teaching in the English Department and managing a large team of Learning Support Teachers who facilitated the learning of students with special needs. Part of my role was to work alongside parents and support agencies to identify a student’s level of need and seek additional support. I attended St John’s Church in North Grays where my sister and I had enjoyed Sunday School as children. As a member of St John’s Sunday Special Team I helped to organize the 9.30 am family service each week. Undecided about which church to attend in Maldon I joined a 10am Mass at St Mary’s, was welcomed by Fr Louis, who was Rector at the time, and despite saying ‘no more committees’ I joined the PCC, Pastoral Team, Social Committee. Thirteen years after attending that first service I am the current Churchwarden and Treasurer.